Concrete Supplies
K&L Ready Mix carries a wide range of supplies to cover all of your concrete needs. Please feel free to contact us with any questions that you may have. Concrete step units and retaining wall blocks basic uses and features: For exterior use at entrances, Railing assemblies mount to side of step unit, All steps are 48″ wide, Railings may be on one or both sides and Parking Lot and Miscellaneous Barriers. Contact K&L Ready Mix for more detailed information including; sizes & dimensions, weight, specifications & finishes.
Wire Mesh
Concrete and Brick Sealers
Variety of Bagged Supplies
Variety of Stone Sizes for Concrete Base
Wall Ties
Masonry Blade
Window Well
Vent Well
Foundation Vents
Nail Stakes
Anchor Bolts
Fiber Form Tubes
Concrete Saw Blades
Fiber Expansion Joint
Wall Ties
Masonry Blade
Window Well
Vent Well
Foundation Vents

3/8" Rebar

6 Gauge Thick Wire Mesh

1/2" Rebar

10 Gauge Small Wire Mesh

5/8" Rebar

Catch Basin

1" Rebar

Catch Basin Riser

K&L Headquarters
10391 State Route 15
PO Box 325
Ottawa, OH 45875
Ph: (419) 523-4376